Buku Asuhan Gizi pada Lanjut Usia terdapat 3 bagian. Bagian I tentang lansia dan permasalahannya yaitu: definisi lansia, ketergantungan kelompok lansia, perubahan yang terjadi pada lansia, permasalahan lansia, penilaian status gizi lansia, dan pedoman pelayanan gizi pada lansia. Bagian II tentang permasalahan gizi pada lansia, yaitu penyakit kronis, problem like depression, kesehatan mulut, oba…
Nutritional oncology is an increasingly active interdisciplinary field where cancer is investigated as both a systemic and local disease originating with the changes in the genome and progressing through a multi-step process which may be influenced at many points in its natural history by nutritional factors that could impact the prevention of cancer, the quality of life of cancer patients, and…
Dramatic cultural changes have occurred in the areas of food, nutri tion, and health in the United States. Today, the clarion call is for fitness with "trim-muscular" in and "skinny-pale" out. The "me generation" has turned into a robust health seeking "we generation," with emphasis on group participation in an ever-increasing array of health clubs. Com bined with this renewed interest in f…